Downtown Plan Adopted May 2018

Minnesota Department of Transportation is planning for improvements to the Highway 24 corridor through the Annandale Downtown in year 2020.  These improvements will lead to streetscape changes along main street.  The City of Annandale is taking this opportunity to evaluate options for the Downtown and create a community vision for the future. 

City leaders went through a public process in order to identify a vision and goals for the Downtown.  In May of 2017, the City hosted an open house where public input was gathered.  Then a Downtown Steering Committee evaluated this input and the options available through a series of meetings.  The result of this work is a community plan for the Downtown area which identifies action steps for the City to help ensure the Downtown is viable through the construction process and beyond. 

The plan was approved by the City Council in May 2018. This guiding document will help the council identify goals for the appearance of the streetscape including the sidewalk and amenities in the Downtown, as well as addressing topics such as the canopies, parking, and accessibility.